:: Web Design & Authoring ::

I have been tooling around with web code since 1998, using my ole' Mac 7200 and HTML at first as a way to learn programming since my first attempts at dealing with Basic left me annoyed. Yet coding HTML pages isn't really programming, just layout definition of content which was served by my time in the high school Graphics Department where I learned to design and do multi-color printing on big shushing offset machines. For the most part HTML served to introduce me more fully in dealing with computer & server directories and seeing more readily the results of what I told a computer to do. It wasn't really programming.

Then I found out about Javascript and DHTML and the linear interface was shattered. I've learned and played with other web tools since then and it wasn't long that I saw how we build and use the Web has infinite possibilities. We are limited only by our creativity, or lack thereof. I spent three years, and that's three Winter Holidays, working in multiple positions in the Customer Service department for KODAK EasyShare Gallery (formerly Ofoto Inc.) giving support to users via email and phone. Having to talk an 80 year young woman through the process of getting images off her digital camera and onto her computer, which was Win 95 (eep!), and then how to upload those images to an online album and share them really makes you consider how UI design can help or hinder a product. Luckily, I worked with a lot of good people there who took our departments feedback into consideration, especially when it was backed by contact data, and I learned a lot more about how powerful and fickle web service can be.

Main web technologies I employ are HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery (JS API framework), Adobe Flash CS4, ActionScript 2.0, Yahoo! & PayPal Stores, WordPress, updating PHP pages and have dabbled in/teaching myself Python, a greater knowledge of MySQL, Perl/CGI, XML, and Ajax.
I have extensive experience using Photoshop for various projects and currently use Photoshop CS4 & Illustrator CS4. I also do some video editing with Apple iMovie for conversion to web optimized QuickTime and Flash files or transfer to a DVD disc with iDVD.


Below are some of my past projects, both live and gone, that I've done which I still had access to the files so I could create static images.

Sighting Cyanne


Cyanne McClairian is an actress, comedian and entertainer who's websight is to serve as her online portfolio and keep an up to date record of her upcoming shows and performances.
The final design was based on someone else's design and made more user friendly and functional. The sight incorporates DHTML, CSS, Flash & the Adobe Spry Javascript framework elements to take advantage of the strengths for each technology to deliver a unique experience.

Click on the images below to see larger JPEGs of each image


Cathy DeBuono

http://www.cathydebuono.com     [Now being managed by new developer.]

Cathy DeBuono is a former volleyball gold medallist who moved from New York to the West Coast to start her long career as an actress. Among many appearances on TV and various silver screen projects, she had a recurring role on Star Trek: DS9 portraying alien characters. Her website was created to serve as her online portfolio and inform of her other online media appearances on the web.

Click on the images below to see larger JPEGs of each image


Tiffany Company Casting

Tiffany Company Casting primarily focused on acquiring "Real People" actors and the established "Pretty People" professional actors for various productions. The website was a project to create a web presence for the casting company to present to producers and other principal stake holders an online outline of their project and to view collections for review of actors & performers who answered the casting call. The online display of static images and QuickTime movies allowed the client to view the choices at any time from anywhere.

Click on the images below to see larger JPEGs of each image



SOLD OUT is a grass roots project to bring greater awareness of the child sex slavery rings being operated in the United States using young children from other countries who were told they were being smuggled into the USA to do cheap labor and support their families back home. Only the children are forced to perform sexual favors. SOLD OUT is currently undergoing a re-structuring and no longer online.

Click on the images below to see larger JPEGs of each image



"I WAS" was a RAINN television ad campaign to promote awareness of the prolific occurrence of rape and encourage victims to seek help. A number of 30 second spots were produced by Nancy Mancini and appeared on MTV, Lifetime and the Dish Network.

Click on the image below to see larger JPEGs of each image


Cedar Productions

This was a simple website done for an acting workshop and theatrical production group. Design was based on the client's requested features and general layout.

Click on the images below to see larger JPEGs of each image


The Blogs

I have an old Blogspot blog that I no longer update that may be found here:

There is also my own, more current, WordPress blog that I go into now and then to post stuff related to art projects. I've been modifying a wp-theme made by someone else jiggering with the PHP and CSS, eventually I'll get around to building one out from scratch.